Post Citrix Synergy 2012 Presentation for AGSI (10 things in AD that can hurt XenDesktop or XenApp and how to fix them)
June 14, 2012
Active Directory, Blog, Presentations, XenApp, XenApp 5 for Server 2003, XenApp 5 for Server 2008, XenApp 6.0, XenApp 6.5, XenDesktop 5.x
If you came to my presentation at AGSI’s Post Citrix Synergy 2012 event in Charlotte, NC thanks for being there.
I would like to thank the following people for their help in putting together the information and for verifying its accuracy and up-to-dateness.
Michael B. Smith, Exchange MVP, https://www.essential.exchange/blog/
Brian Desmond, Directory Services MVP, http://BrianDesmond.com
Andrew S. Baker, Directory Services Expert, http://about.me/Andrew.S.Baker
Jo Harder, former Citrix XenApp product architect, now at https://www.linkedin.com/in/joharder/
You can always find the most current PDF by going to https://www.carlwebster.com/where-to-get-copies-of-the-documentation-scripts/
2 Responses to “Post Citrix Synergy 2012 Presentation for AGSI (10 things in AD that can hurt XenDesktop or XenApp and how to fix them)”
June 15, 2012 at 10:17 am
I really enjoyed your session yesterday. Thanks again for presenting.
June 15, 2012 at 10:23 am
Thanks. I enjoyed being there. Charlotte has a lot of great places to eat. Just can’t get used to the Carolina BBQ sauces yet.