Citrix Cloud (DaaS) Documentation Script V1.23
Version 1.23 8-Jan-2023
- Added to Function OutputMachines, the Catalog’s reboot schedule if one exists
- For Provisioning Custom Properties, added two Azure properties I hadn’t noticed before:
- https://developer-docs.citrix.com/projects/citrix-virtual-apps-desktops-sdk/en/latest/MachineCreation/about_Prov_CustomProperties/
- PageFileDiskDriveLetterOverride
- StorageTypeAtShutdown
- In Function GetRolePermissions:
- Added new permissions
- DesktopGroup_CreateFolder
- DesktopGroup_EditFolder
- DesktopGroup_MoveFolder
- DesktopGroup_RemoveFolder
- PolicySets_AddScope
- PolicySets_Manage
- PolicySets_Read
- PolicySets_RemoveScope
- Setting_Edit
- Setting_Read
- Added new permissions
- In Function OutputMachines, fixed the misplaced code for image history and additional data
You can always find the most current script by going to https://www.carlwebster.com/where-to-get-copies-of-the-documentation-scripts/
January 6, 2023
Citrix Cloud